Don't scream! Most people are very afraid of spiders. They have never bothered me much-- obviously if I can take this picture. This is actually a very friendly spider who's real name/variety escapes me at the moment. He comes around each fall and builds these amazingly huge cobwebs usually somewhere on our patio. This year he brought a friend too! (see her picture below) Any way this blog is not about spiders they just help make a point.
God has been after me to memorize scriptures. Actually he has screamed that at me lately! Let me just say I had no idea how many cobwebs were in my head! The top of my refrigerator has nothing on my brain!!! It is definitely a test of God's power.
I am claiming Romans 12:2. (Yes, it is on my memory list) If you are not familiar with that verse like I was not a couple of days ago, it's God's promise to transform our minds! (get rid of the cobwebs!)
Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, going to work, and walking around life and place it before God...don't become so well adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking!
Wow! How many times have I sat thoughtlessly staring at the TV...Guess I better get my cobweb infested mind to work!
Here's praying many blessings come your way today!
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